"Dzi" in Tibetan means: "shine, brightness, clearness, and splendor. , patterned with mystical eyes are among the most treasured beads in the world. And green jasper is thought to be lucky in monetary trades. Believed to clear the mind, bring tranquility and eliminate worry and depression. Invigorate your craft projects with natural-looking beads Picture Jasper Triangle & Bead Chip Strand features bead chips and rounded triangular beads made. Fancy jasper is creamy brown with lavender or green swirls. Picture jasper helps to evaluate life's issues and develop business pursuits leading to increase. Picture jasper is pale brown with darker patterns - named from pictures formed by patterns caused by trapped fossilizes algae. Poppy jasper is dark red with black flecks and thought to heal allergies to animals. Gemstone Beads Style: Natural Picture Jasper Size: 10mm (1mm hole) Qty/Pkg: Approx 35 pieces per strand Description: These gemstone beads are the perfect. Red jasper is an intensely protective stone, stabilizing the aura and bringing contentment - even said to assist astral travel during meditation. This stone is specifically sourced from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Jasper is reported to sooth the nerves and to treat the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver and stomach. Natural Gemstoneapproximate hole size: 1mmapproximately 16 beads per strandAustralian Red Picture Jasper is a variation of Picture Jasper with deep maroon inclusions. This semiprecious gemstone is actually petrified mud. Most Picture Jasper is found in Brazil, South Africa, and even the Rocky Mountains of the United States. Paintbrush jasper beads look great in a variety of jewelry applications.Sand-colored Picture Jasper beads display streaks and marking that often seem to depict landscapes - from desert sand dunes to rocky mountains to dry riverbeds. This crystal is called Picture Jasper because the banded pattern on each stone resembles an abstract landscape. Ancient people used jasper to relieve pain, especially childbirth. Picture Jasper has a unique striped design in neutral tan colors. This stone looks best with gold toned metals. Being very healing and balancing, it was used for many different medications - like grinding into a powder to treat gall bladder and kidney disease. Picture Jasper is a variation of Jasper with a unique striped design in neutral, warm tan colors. Jasper is known as the "Patron stone of counselors and healers". In France jasper ornaments date back two-millennia, Babylonians used in for seals twelve-hundred years ago, and in India it has been used for jewellery and building for centuries. Jasper was highly valued in ancient times, not only for its beauty, but also for the reputed magical and medicinal properties. This is what determines the stone's multicolour, striped, or spotted appearance. Jasper is a crystalline variety of quartz that contains up to 20% foreign material.

Price is for one 16-inch string of these beautiful jasper beads.